Deinstitutionalisation of child care

Deinstitutionalisation of child care


The reform for deinstitutionalization of childcare in the country is in its final stage. In the context of the 2010 adopted National Strategy "Vision for the Deinstitutionalization of Children in the Republic of Bulgaria", the focus of the process is placed on supporting children and families with the aim of risk prevention, including prevention of abandonment, improvement of reintegration measures, early intervention and ensuring more opportunities to support children in a family. The driving force of the reform is the implementation of the basic principle that the family is the best environment for upbringing and development of the child and the achievement of the main goal of the National strategy, namely: “guaranteeing the right of children to a family environment and access to quality care and services according to their individual needs”. The process of deinstitutionalization of child care aims to change the philosophy of child care with an emphasis on risk prevention, early intervention, supporting families and providing a family or family-like environment.

As a result of the targeted and systematic efforts of all participants involved, significant results have been achieved. One of the most important results of the child care deinstitutionalization reform is the prevalence of care in the family. The data on children in public care shows that, compared to 2010, the share of those being raised in families of relatives or close friends and in foster families is much higher than the number of children in residential care. The number of the specialized institutions for children has also decreased significantly. By the end of 2020, all specialized institutions for children were closed, with the exception of 4 Homes for Medico-Social Care for Children managed by the Ministry of Health (in Varna, Kardjali, Pleven and Stara Zagora), which also will be closed. At the beginning of the process in 2010, 137 specialized institutions for children were functioning. A total of 133 specialized institutions were closed.


· Strategies


National Strategy “Vision for Deinstitutionalisation of Children in the Republic of Bulgaria”



· Plans


Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy “Vision for the Deinstitutionalisation of the Children in Bulgaria”


· Up-to-date Information


Monitoring reports on the implementation of the Action Plan for implementation of the National Strategy “Vision for Deinstitutionalisation of Children in the Republic of Bulgaria”, for the periods: November 2010 – June 2011; June 2011 – June 2012; July 2012 – June 2013; July 2013 – June 2014.