Over 400 parents have started work thanks to the "Parents in employment" measure under the HRDP
A total of 433 parents managed to return to work or found a new one after they joined the activities of the "Parents in Employment" project of the "Human Resources Development" Program 2021 - 2027. The procedure has a budget of 24 million BGN and is implemented by the Employment Agency. The "Parents in employment" measure targets unemployed and job-seeking parents, as well as parents who are already employed. In addition to providing childcare opportunities, parents can also use services to facilitate their access to the labor market. Babysitters are selected from unemployed people who are approved by the parents in advance.
Parents of children aged 0 to 5 years, inclusive, who do not attend nurseries, childcare centres and pre-school groups can submit an application to the labour offices, and care is allowed for up to 8 hours per day. Parents of large families and single parents of children from 0 to 12 years old who attend nurseries, institutions and schools can use the services of babysitter under the project for up to 4 hours a day.
To date, 639 tripartite agreements have been concluded under the "Parents in Employment" measure - between the Employment Agency, the parent and the babysitter. 433 parents have returned to work or started new one, and the remaining 206 parents have started looking for work. Most families from Plovdiv have taken advantage of the opportunity to rely on babysitter for the upbringing of their child or children. The oldest babysitter employed by the project is 69 years old, and the youngest is 19 years old. The families with many children, who have benefited from the project are 44.
Parents who want to apply for free babysitter and unemployed people who want to take care of children can apply for participation in the "Parents in Employment" project at the labor offices. Activities under the measure continue until 2026.