PDA will finance projects for employment of people with disabilities with up to BGN 90 000
Up to BGN 90 000 can be received by employers for business-oriented projects aimed at stimulating the employment of people with permanent disabilities in a specialized working environment. Project proposals are funded by the Agency for People with Disabilities (APD) to open and equip new or adapt existing workplaces for the appointed people with permanent disabilities. Those who can apply for the funds are Specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities. The deadline for submitting documents is June 20, 2023.
APD will also finance, with up to BGN 20 000, projects of people with disabilities for starting or developing a self-employed business. The funds can be used for investment costs, the establishment of a new enterprise, construction and repair works, workplace equipment, and enterprise owner training, as well as to cover minimum start-up capital. It is necessary that the candidates have 50 and more than 50% reduced working capacity and not participate as owners or partners in another company. The project proposals must be submitted no later than June 19, 2023.
More details on the projects and how to apply can be found on the APD website - https://ahu.mlsp.government.bg/.