Minister Shalapatova: Regulatory changes are necessary for the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society


The measures for the improvement of the policy for people with disabilities included in the Management Program of the government were discussed by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova and representatives of the nationally representative organizations of and for people with disabilities. Deputy Minister Ginka Mashova also participated in their meeting today at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP).

"Among the priorities of the Ministry of Education and Culture is the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities from early childhood and the provision of opportunities for their employment," said Minister Shalapatova. "It is necessary to develop normative changes to increase the effectiveness of the policy for people with disabilities with a focus on their full participation in society," Ivanka Shalapatova also said. As a key factor for the realization of this goal, she emphasized the integrated work with other institutions, including the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as the active participation of organizations of people with disabilities.

Measures to ensure more jobs for people with disabilities were also a highlight of the conversation. This will be among the main goals of the upcoming changes to the Employment Promotion Act, informed Deputy Minister Ginka Mashova.

In 2022, 2,690 people with disabilities will be included in employment and training under the programs and incentive measures under the Employment Promotion Act. By the end of 2023, it is planned to announce the operation "Sustainable employment for disadvantaged people" under the Human Resources Development Program, which is expected to improve access to the labor market for at least 3,600 people. Providing opportunities for training and opening new jobs in social enterprises will be the main goal of another upcoming procedure - "Promoting the social economy at the local and regional level". The measure is expected to cover 1,970 disadvantaged people, and 1,044 participants to start a new job.

Minister Shalapatova drew attention to the fact that quality provision of support requires a change in the policies aimed at those working in the social services system. "A comprehensive solution is needed, related not only to the provision of adequate remuneration, but also to the improvement of working conditions, increasing the competences and opportunities for continuous learning of professionals in the social sphere", she emphasized.