The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy organized a training entitled „Practical Directions for Application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”. 4-5 September 2014.
On 4 – 5 September 2014 at the Centre for Development of Human Resources and Regional Initiatives, City of Sofia 1849, 7 Kremikovtzi Quarter, a training was held on „Practical Directions for Application of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women”. The initiative was organized jointly by the Centre for Development of Human Resources and the Equal Opportunities, Antidiscrimination and Social Assistance Department. (More information)
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy organized a Round table on occasion of Equal Pay Day on March 7th, 2014.
Traditionally, this is the fourth year, during which the European countries, through this period of the year mark the Equal Pay Day for equal labor. These common European events represent a sort of „reminder”, that the day has come of the new calendar year, on which women actually start to receive payment for their labor, equal to that of men.
Based upon average statistics founded on latest published data, women in Europe still work 59 days during the year „free of charge”.
If during recent years the difference in payment based upon gender has dropped slightly at the common European level, in Bulgaria the positive achievements of the past 60 years progress slightly in the opposite direction and based upon the latest published data - for 2011 the gender based difference in pay amounts to 13 %, and for 2012 this figure has increased up to 14,7 %.
This is a sign that on the labour market, as well as in the remaining European countries, equal payment for one and the same labor has still not become a reality for working women and men. Republic of Bulgaria carried out the National gender equality strategy for the period 2009 - 2015. In execution of the Strategy in December 2013 the National action plan for stimulation of equality of women and men for 2014 was adopted. Taking into account the fact that equality of women and men is of particular importance for attainment of set objectives in the European strategy „Europe 2020” and in the European strategy for equality between women and men 2010 -2015, representing a measure for democratic development of society, Bulgaria shall continue to develop and improve the national legislation in order to overcome the inequality between women and men by guaranteeing the right to labor, social protection, and protection from discrimination.
Today, we cannot deny the achieved progress via the use of long-term efforts for reduction of differences between women and men in the field of employment, education, and scientific research and development activities, facilitated by the increase of the number of women holding management and qualified worker positions, and also positions in our country’s political life.
We are clear regarding the fact that the model of two working parents attracts more and more supporters and as a result women have become more financially independent. There is an elevated understanding in existence regarding the need for implementation of measures stimulating the combining of professional and family obligations and care for children and for other dependent family members.
These achievements must be noted. Gender equality is neither a problem, nor a cause for women: the active participation and undertaking of men and of all public life representatives is of vital importance for attainment of equality and observation and development of human rights of women and men.
* Gender pay gap in uncorrected form represents the difference between the average gross monthly remuneration of employed men and employed women as a percentage of the average monthly remuneration of the employed men. The totality consists of all employed persons under labor or official relations encompassing all enterprises, regardless of their size or economic activities.
Equal opportunities